Monday, October 20, 2014

October 13 - October 19

Hello everyone!
Well I hope I get through this update this week! so much has been going on! time is just flying! I did get exciting news that I will be able to make it to Everett's baptism!! the old gang will be back together! I am super excited to be there on his special day!!
Oct 8- We were able to visit with a part member family this morning but they are moving to Texas soon. We then had lunch and then went and contacted our referrals we got the previous day. We went to what is called the Black Horse Motel and contacted room 31 and 35. Guys it was super sketchy! I was freaking out a little bit cause im so not use to places like this. It turned out better than we thought! We were able to leave there with 2 new investigators Amy and Terry! they are great people who are in need of a new start! they are a bit older she is 35 and he looks like he is mid 50s but we aren't too sure. They have had some colorful pasts and just need help! We were able to let them know that this gospel will give them that hope and fresh start they are looking for! We taught about the Restoration and Terry was taking it all in and read the whole pamphlet while we were there and he got super emotional cause he knows this is what they need right now. it was neat to see them this way. they are both super humble and ready and willing to learn. We then left with a return appointment and then visited a former named Tina! She is a talker for sure but isn't interested in our church. We had great conversations with her! We then went to dinner at Bishop Gibbions home. it went really well and they have the cutest twin girls! it was lots of fun!
Oct 9- We were able to have a great lesson with Amy and Terry! we taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and they loved it! We then had the truck and went to Ann and the Cophers home. Had great lessons with both of them. We then talked with the Bishop about helping Amy and Terry. They aren't in a great financial place right now and are going to be homeless so we thought we would ask the bishop if there was anything that we could do. He was able to go over there and meet and talk with them and ended up paying for the room for another week. they both fell apart when he did this cause they couldn't believe someone would be so kind. It was a neat experience for all of us! We then had dinner at the Gonzales home and then a lesson with one of our ward missionaries at the Dunbars home. it went great! what a busy day we had!
Oct 10- Weekly planning! taught a lesson at the Tesch home. They are a part member family. Amy is 17 and has a little girl who is 9 months old and then her husband Chris who isn't a member. They just moved in with his parents and Amy wants lessons still and Chris is thinking about joining as well. We were able to watch the resto movie with them and talk about them praying to find out if its true. Chris still isn't sure but we told him he will and it will help him if he reads the Book of Mormon and comes to church. We had dinner with the Anderson family, they are a cute young family. We then had a lesson with Debbie another one of our investigators! we taught about the Restoration at the Ridings home. It went great and sister Riding invited her to meet the Mormons movie with them! She was able to go and had a wonderful time! she loved it!
Oct 11- Visited many less actives today and had good lessons with them. We then went to dinner at the Caddell's and that was fun! they are one of my favorite families :) we had a good time with them.
Oct 12- my first sunday in this ward! it was a lot to take in! I have many people to still meet! We had our meetings at 11 and 12 and then church at 1pm. Amy Tesch was able to come! but chris wasn't able to :( after church we went over to Amy and Terry's place to see how they were doing. Amy was in the hospital for a few days. she is scheduled to have major brain surgery next month so we hope all will go well there. they were sad they weren't able to come to church. we told them next week :)

Oct 13- Normal p-day. we spend it with the Village sisters who are sisters Toolen and Van Heel they are super cute sisters! love them. We had zone activity with the other apple valley zone so that was fun to meet all of them and we played savage ball. we had dinner at the Hedges home who is a part member family. Her husband acts like he is a member, I sure hope one day he will join. We then met with Wendoly who is a former investigator who is 18 and is super sweet! we were able to talk with her for a while. she is having a hard time cause she lost her grandma not too long ago and misses her a lot. we were able to talk a lot about the plan of salvation which brought her comfort. She loves learning about the church but doesn't want to come to church. we were sad to hear that!
Oct 14- We had zone meeting this morning which was really good! We were able to be trained on many different things and it was fun being with the zone. Two other elders I came out with are in this zone so that was fun to chat with them. they are serving in big bear so we never get to see them only when we have zone meetings and stuff. We then had lunch and got the truck from the elders. We were able to visit Amy and Terry and had a really good lesson with them. we read 2 Nephi 31 with them and talked about it. they loved it and we invited them to be baptized and they said yes!! they want to get married first so we will be planning a wedding soon ;) yay!! Amy was able to say the closing prayer! we then saw the Cophers and taught them how to fill out a tithing slip since we taught about tithing last lesson. they loved it! We then had pizza dropped off to us for dinner and then went and visited a few less actives.
Oct 15- We were able to visit Bro Palmer who is a less active and we took some fun pictures in his yard! He has an awesome car and Halloween decorations that we couldn't resist! it was lots of fun. We then were able to email for a little bit and then went and had a lesson with Raquel who is a recent convert but isn't active. she wants to come back so we were able to set up weekly appointments with them. I was then able to meet Irma who is an investigator but idk for how much longer. she isn't all that interested and doesn't make time for us much so we will probably drop her which is sad but right now isn't her time. We then had dinner at the Landers who are the cutest older couple! 80 and 75 years old! they told us some great stories!
Oct 16- We were lucky enough to get the truck all day today! we had so many appointments but most of them canceled or rescheduled :( its okay that's part of life and we just keep trying our best! We were able to have a lesson with Amy and Terry. Terry said the closing prayer this time! We talked a lot about repentance and the spirit was super strong and touched their hearts. We then had a lesson with the Wilcox and their less active neighbor I forgot his name :/ We saw the cophers for a minute but they had to go pick up their mom from the hospital so we couldn't have a lesson with them. We had dinner at the dunbars who are our next door neighbors and our grandparents in this ward! they spoil us! we love them so much! We then had a lesson with Sonya a less active and michelle who is our ward missionary came to that. the elders were able to come and give Sonya a blessing which is exactly what she needed. it was a good day for sure!
Oct 17- Weekly planning again! you would think I would get use to it but nope still not my favorite! haha We then went to sister Tuckers and did service for her. we painted and cleaned in her home. we then had dinner there. it was lots of fun and we were able to chat with her less active daughter and she even stayed for dinner so that was a plus!
Oct 18- We went to the animal shelter to do some service. We weeded out in the front so I felt like I was back home on a Saturday morning hahaha but it was fun we went with the Ranchos sisters, Sister Shaw and Cornett. We then had a lesson with Amy and Terry and taught about the plan of salvation. they loved it and said it makes so much sense! Amy wasn't feeling well so we didn't stay too long. that morning they were able to go and help clean the church as well! We then had a lesson with the tesch family well actually just amy. we read alma 32 with her and talked about faith. We then went to the popes who are less active but think they are active so that was interesting. We then went home for some dinner and ended our day with language study!
Oct 19- Normal church meetings and Amy Tesch came to church and Bro pope so that was good! we then went and watched some Mormon messages with Amy after church for a little bit and then left to have dinner at the DeGrisells home. Her parents live with them and they are thee cutest people! They aren't members but im sure they will be one day and if not here on this earth they will be once they pass on. they made my whole evening! Later in the evening we were called by Bro Moore who kindly asked us to speak on Sunday in sacrament...yay! even though we are missionaries we still hate speaking in church haha my topic is on FHE. the sacrament meeting is all on back to the basics so all four of us missionaries get to speak! wish me luck! :)

Well that was my busy week! Sorry I probably just rambled but hey that's what I do best! haha well I love you all and hope you have wonderful weeks!
Love Sister Johnson :)

The house they live in.

the cool car at the Palmers

gotta love it!

the dead version haha

we found this outside our house the other night.... gross!!!mom thought you would appreciate this one :)

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