Monday, April 21, 2014

April 7 - April 13

Hello! it is a beautiful day here in the sunny California :) Here is the update from me on my previous week
April 7- We had a great p-day and was able to get everything done. We had a fun zone activity where we played ultimate ball which is like ultimate Frisbee but with a football and it is played inside on the basketball court. It was fun and I was able to get to know the zone a little bit better. After we had dinner at the Bears who is a fun family. They are the hunting kind of family so Sister Dunford was able to talk a lot about all of that. Not my type of conversation but hey im learning lots from it all haha We then rushed over to the Bucks home and had FHE with them and Narah and Darren. That was crazy because all the kids were running around and just having a good time. I love kids so much but Sister Dunford wasn't enjoying it at all haha She is the baby of her family so she isn't use to little kids running around. We were able to share an easter Mormon message and then did the eggs with them and then had dessert. It was a good night!
April 8- Today we had zone meeting and that went really well. We were able to learn lots together. We then had lunch and Sister Dunford wasn't feeling well so she took a nap and then we went out and tried visiting people. We had no luck but that is okay! We then went to dinner at the Bishops home the Waite family. That was a great dinner and much needed! It was good to get to know the bishop better and for him to get to know us as well. After we went to the Swarts home and updated Bro Swart on the work we have been doing since he has been out of town. After we went home and it was time for bed! yay!

April 9- We were able to do our personal study this morning but then had to leave to go to sister Vondersaars home because we did service for her. Us and the elders were able to go to their gym and help move the equipment for their up coming competition. They own a gymnastics gym so that was really fun! We were going to jump on the trampolines but we ran out of time because we had to be back for our president interviews. That went really well! I love President Hobbs he is such an amazing man and I am so glad that he is my mission president. After we went to dinner at the Lopez home. That was interesting cause they speak more Spanish than English but hey that is alright! I wish I knew more Spanish but I am picking up a few words while being out here. After dinner we went and had a church tour with our investigator Richard. Mutual was also going on so it was kind of crazy but it went really well. Sister Dunford invited the elders to join and they stayed with us until they had to go do something and then we also had a young women who joined as well. The spirit was really strong there but after the tour Sister Dunford and I talked and we both felt that we shouldn't teach him anymore. We cant tell if he is mentally all there. We were both really sad about it but knew it was the right thing to do. Later that night we were able to talk with the elders about it too and they were happy to hear that we were following the promptings of the spirit. We were both grateful for this experience we were able to have together even though we aren't sure why we needed to stop teaching him we both just know to always follow the spirit!
April 10- This morning we did our studies at the stake center with the zone leaders and a few other sets of sisters. President Hobbs likes them to study with all of us to see if we are doing the 12 weeks correctly and to just get more insights on how studies go. I was really not looking forward to it but it turned out to be really good! After we went and did and visited people in area 5. We then went and helped sister Lopez with her phone and downloading the Mormon channel app and as well. We then were able to talk to her about her concerns she has about her husband not being really active anymore. We hope to continue to work with their family! That evening we took it easy cause Sister Dunford caught what I had and needed to sleep so we went home and wrote thank you cards to the ward members and I did studies.  
April 11- Today we were able to attend a funeral. Brother Espinoza passed away from health conditions. He was older but it was still a bit early for him to leave. It was a great service and many non members came. Most of his family aren't members so his wife wanted us missionaries to be there. We sat on the stand because Sister Dunford was the chorister and Elder Jopson played the piano. I felt a little strange sitting up there since I didn't really know him. We were able to help with the lunchon and got to talk with many people. One was actually interested to learn more! He lives in Lancaster which is out of our mission but hey that is okay! We are all on the same team haha and he is coming closer to Christ and that is all that matters :) We were super excited about that contact! We then went home and weekly planned and then Sister Dunford slept until our appointment with the England family. We were following up on them and seeing how they are doing since the death of her mom. They are doing well. We then had dinner at Lina's home. She is Pilipino and made us Pilipino food which wasn't my favorite! I know that California is where I am suppose to be after that meal haha 
April 12- I cant believe that I have been out for 10 months now! it is so crazy to me! The time is flying by. We did our normal studies and then went to the library to make invites to our primary Easter activity on the 19th. We are excited about that cause we have been able to invite many families to that who aren't members. We then were able to help move in a member and her non member family. we were able to set up a time to come and visit with them all so hopefully we will be able to teach them! After we had dinner at the Bridsall home. I love this family so much! We went home and did 12 weeks which was watching the district so it was as close to a movie night as I can get!  
April 13- Normal church meetings. Went home after church and did studies and then went over to Sister Newey's for dinner. While eating dinner we were able to watch a little bit of the priesthood session of general conference. We were able to watch all of the first presidency which I loved! I cant wait to read the rest. After we went and walked our apartment complex and was able to talk with Jose. He was worried about us being outside after dark but we were on our way home so it was okay. We talked to him a little and he asked us if we were JWs (uh nope we like our holidays too much haha) He then asked a little more about what we do and he said he would love for us to chat with his 12 year old son because he needs Christ in his life. We were so excited about this! We gave him our number and we are going to stop by this week. I love being able to witness miracles!
We are focusing a lot of finding people to teach but I know that as we continue to work hard and have strong faith that we will be able to find those who are ready to hear this message! I love being out here serving! I wouldn't have it any other way :) I love you all so much! I also love my Savior and I know that I couldn't do this without Him. As Easter is approaching please focus on His life and what he has done for us and what the true meaning of Easter is to you. I have come to know my Savior even better these past few months and I encourage you all to do the same! Have a wonderful week!
Love Sister Johnson  

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